Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Club night

Yesterday I was planning on going to the gym but I went to the cinema and the film was longer than I was expecting. So at lunch time I went to Ashford Bannatynes and did a work out.  I did 2 reps of 10 where I laid on my back with the swiss ball in between my legs and lifting my legs up with the ball and then grabbing the ball with my hands and at the same time lowering both my legs without my feet touching the floor. I did 2 reps of 10 where I laid on my back with my legs over the ball, lifting my back off the ground and moving the ball with my legs out to my feet. I also 2 reps of 10 sitting on the ball doing sit ups and then alternating with sitting up and twisting to the side. I then laid on my stomach and lifting up my back working on lower back. 2 reps of 10. Then 2 reps of 10 laying on my stomach with arms out stretched and lifting up an arm at the same time lifting the opposite leg.  I got excited when I spotted a hula hoop as Folkestone haven't got them so I did hula hooping for a few minutes.

At the club tonight, we did our usual warm up to the Leas and dynamic stretches and the session was 4 x 6 minutes with 2 minute recovery.  I was running with Alison tonight which helped by maintaining the pace. My splits were between 8:15-8:30 which I was happy with. Covered just under 6 miles. Tonight Graham gave me a 6 mile route to try tomorrow going from the gym which I am looking to try.

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